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"The 2022 Summit theme is 'Rising Together' - indicative of where we hope to be as change agents in the unchartered road towards equity." - Stephanie Bradley, Project Lead of The Bond Equity Summit
We are a team of spirited advocates who come from a variety of backgrounds, but all have one commonality - a passion for equity. Recent years have forever impacted our lens on diversity and the way it touches our work environments, community, and quality of life.
When The Bond Equity Summit was created, it was to bring together like-minded individuals who also share a passion for equity. What happened was much greater than the original intention. A community was developed that has since far extended a 3-day virtual conference. Attendees are now impacting their own work places and communities with knowledge gained from The Bond Equity Summit.
And so, the work continues. We hope you join us at our next 3-day virtual event, to be held Tuesday, February 8th - Thursday, February 10th.
Rise with us to dismantle systemic racism and change the lens of equity to create a better and brighter future for ALL.
- The Bond Equity Summit Team

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